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The Insufficient Homosexual

Stories from a man who fails to meet media expectations of what it means to be gay:
white, frivolous, over sexed yet sexless, shrill, single, stylish, a clown, unimportant, et al.


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Buenos Aires is not Santiago

I’m working on writing about the vacation (yes D, finally and well over a month after the fact), but before that, here are a couple of general notes on how Buenos Aires is not Santiago:

Reason you knew you were in South America:
Santiago-The huge stature of the Virgin on the largest hill over looking town.
Buenos Aires-Um…because there were wild maras roaming the zoo?

Reason it was easy to confuse it with California:
Buenos Aires-Huge monster sized malls.
Santiago-Nearly identical geography of dry hills with chaparral.

Taxi rides were white knuckle causing because:
Santiago-Street lanes were mere suggestions.
Buenos Aires-Lanes, lights, pedestrians crossing the road were all ignored when inconvenient).

Food that tourists are advised to not miss out on:
Buenos Aires-Parrilladas, a small grill of steaks, sausages made from odd sections of cows, and assorted internal organs.
Santiago-Empanadas, or maybe pastel de choclo (a dish described as sort of like a tamale, but not as good).

Food that the natives do miss out on:
Santiago-Bread.  From the smallest grocer to the biggest supersized supermarket, all had as large as possible display of fresh breads.
Buenos Aires-Cheese.  From the smallest grocer to the biggest supersized supermarket, all had as large as possible display of fresh cheeses.

Battle of the Bellas Artes:
Buenos Aires-The national art museo had an impressive collection of classical and 20th century art.
Santiago-The Chilean version while not bad, didn’t have has much as it’s Argentine counterpart, although it was only a couple of blocks from a gay sex shop, so it evens out?

Santiago-Except for a few black on black clothed younger “hip” folks, relatively conservative.
Buenos Aires-I left with the impression that the Portenos love dressing up.  It really wasn’t that cold, yet men were in sweaters with both jackets and overcoats, and women wore long wool dresses and occasional furs.  As my sister put, it’s easier to dress up when cold.

Air quality:
Buenos Aires-Not too bad
Santiago-terrible, the city is literally trapped by its geography

Santiago-The Subtre which depending on the line & station was either clean and new or dirty and old.
Buenos Aires-The Metro, which was all clean & new.

Buenos Aires-Outgoing, friendly, and maybe a little bit snobbish.
Santiago-Friendly, yet somewhat reserved.

Santiago-Apartment buildings and houses in a mixed variety of styles from fake haciendas to mid-century modern inspired jumbled cubes of concrete and glass.
Buenos Aires-apartment buildings and town homes, either gleaming expensive or worn and shabby.

Surprising that:
Buenos Aires-The restaurants were not as great as guides and travel sites lead one to think.  Not bad food, just not amazing food.  I guess it’s possible that we were making poor restaurant choices, or more probable, poor food choices.
Santiago-The restaurants were really great.  From guides and travel sites it’s not a city known for food, yet it should be.


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