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I also do stuff over at livejournal:
the insufficient blog

otro lugares:
amateur gourmet
amazing adventures of bill
bill and kent
blockade boy
center of gravitas
cheap blue guitar
chocolate and zucchini
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how to learn swedish
hungry tiger
i make things
i was just really very hungry
island of misfit toys
lady, that's my skull
news from me
old grey poet
once upon a tart
precocious curmudgeon
pretty, fizzy, paradise
roar of comics
something old, nothing new
stop touching my food
strange maps
super underwear perverts
there are some who call me tim

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The Insufficient Homosexual

Stories from a man who fails to meet media expectations of what it means to be gay:
white, frivolous, over sexed yet sexless, shrill, single, stylish, a clown, unimportant, et al.

Lunes 05/24/2004

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Repeat readers will no doubt notice the name change from Almost There to The Insufficient Homosexual. Almost There c'est fini. It is no more, except that it still is.

I�ve mentioned off and on that I have not been the brightest, chipper of persons lately. Look up cantankerous in the dictionary and you will find an ink smeared picture of me grimacing as if I had just eaten something especially foul and bitter.

Part of the fallout from my bad attitude has been an increasingly difficult time in forcing myself to write entries for the site. I�ve not been bothering to write about loads of events and things going on in my life. I still haven�t gotten around to writing about seeing Urinetown a couple of weeks ago, and what could be easier than knocking off a couple of comments about a musical filled with songs about peeing and revolution?

I had locked myself into a one long entry per page journal format with Almost There that disallowed short quick thoughts unless I stacked them together into a mismashed Dagwood of an entry. Sometimes it worked and I crafted a tasty snack, but more often than not, it was just forced and tasteless.

Anyway, instead of killing off the site, or abandoning the longer entry format, I�ve decided to shake things up a bit and play around with trying to keep both the diaryland journal and a livejournal blog. One for longer fluff/thoughts, and the other for short thoughts/fluff respectively.

While I was at it, I changed the site�s name, either because it felt like an appropriate shake the cobwebs off thing to do, or because I felt like embracing the idea of failure as good. It�s odd, but hey, I�m an odd fellow.

Trying to juggle two sites may turn out to be a futile effort, but well, we�ll see. I may give one or both a quick mercy killing, or maybe I�ll develop a multiple personality disorder and start up a separate site for each and every aspect of my splintering personality. Whatever happens, it�ll be a change, and as the corny saying goes, change is good.


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