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I�ve seen some right leaning political themed cartoons about liberals foaming at the mouth, reacting negatively to people using phrases such as � Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.� I�ve also read online comments from folks complaining about how far out of control Political Correctness has gone in insisting that the only proper phrase would be �Happy Holidays.�

I�m vaguely curious about this because I haven�t come across this in real life. Nor have any of my friends, co-workers, or acquaintances. The only examples I can find of this happening are second and third hand accounts and were found online, which of course puts a huge cloud of doubt over their having ever occurred in the first place.

My question is, are there really gangs of rabid blue staters roaming the streets violently enforcing the use of nonspecific winter holiday greetings, or is this yet another attempt of the �right� as portraying themselves as �victims.� Although quite frankly just how terribly victimizing is it to asked to acknowledge the existence of nonchristian holidays?

Anticipating a possible response of how the problem is that it is rude to be yelled at for innocently wishing someone a Merry Christmas, let me be clear that yes that would be rude. That is, in the stories being passed, the �left-winger yelling and screaming� is delivering a message in a rude/nonfriendly manner. Unfortunately, much of the gripping about these stories is not merely that that the message is being delivered badly, but that the message itself is bad, that message being simply that holidays other than Christmas happen to occur around this time of year.

Acknowledging the existence of Kwanzaa, or Chanukah, or the Winter solstice in a religious context, or whatever else people celebrate, is somehow disparaging to the Christian holiday of Christmas. Besides, if anything is demeaning Christmas wouldn�t it be the mass commercialization and greed that has been latched on to it?

I�m reminded of how when working through the twists of logic in arguments against legalizing government recognition of gay marriage, you end up getting the feeling that the real objection is simply �Your relationship is not real, and if we were treated equally, then my relationship won�t be real either.�

Anyway, at this point I�m not even sure this is even happening, or if it is, that it is occurring on the large organized scale that the stories imply. Again, simply because I�ve never heard of it happening in my own life, which of course is bad logic, and a poor argument against the existence of something, though being just human, it is an irrationally powerful one.

Personally, I tend to say variations of happy holiday, not as a political message, but rather out of a combination of politeness and laziness. If Presidents day, the Fourth of July, and Groundhog day all occurred with a couple of weeks of each other, I�d end up saying Happy Holidays as well. For me, generic holiday greetings are a convenient way to say something �in the spirit of things� when a bunch of events happen to occur at roughly the same time, and I am not quite up to listing them all. As it is, �Have a merry Christmas and a happy new year� is already a mouthful to say.

I�ve never had anyone react negatively towards me for offering a vague holiday greeting, nor have people reacted negatively when I have been more specific about Thanksgiving, Christmas, or Chanukah, or solstice, or whatever. Quite frankly regardless of whatever religion they may or may not observe, no one has ever objected to whatever greeting I may offer, nor have I ever reacted negatively when someone wished me a happy or merry whatever.

And why would I? While some may offer such greetings as genuine wishes of good cheer, for a huge number of people, it�s merely something that you say this time of year. Something you say, not so much because it is actually meant, or as to be polite, but rather because it is expected, and goodness is it expected (while I�ve never had a negative reaction to a greeting, generic or specific, I have had people get mad at me for not offering one).

So, rabid P.C. police trampling down �the common man.� Real? Myth? The latest attempt at squashing and demeaning the Christian majority of the American nation by the fast left-wing media controlling conspiracy? The latest attempt by those in power to maintain power by diverting attention away from real issues on to something small, trivial, and meaningless while simultaneously demonizing their weak and worthless opponents?

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